Continuing Education Program
Demystifying EPDs in Sustainable Design
Now, more than ever, environmental impacts are a worldwide concern, and one that the A&D community is being asked to address in their work. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) can be a powerful tool to use when choosing materials for commercial projects. Understanding the ins & outs of this valuable tool has never been more necessary. From the creation of EPDs to using them when specifying materials, there’s a lot to understand, yet it’s a tough subject to tackle on your own.
Attendees will be provided a clear understanding of EPDs starting with the basic vocabulary and will then learn what to look for in a completed declaration. Once you have a basic understanding of the fundamentals, you’ll learn how to use them in projects seeking green building certification, including LEED® v.4.1 BD+C & ID+C and Green Globes® NC and/or compliance with the IgCC®. Concluding with providing direction on where to find EPDs within various databases for compliance to certifications and related impact data for building projects, including embodied carbon.
- Understand the components of a Type III EPD.
- Understand how to read data provided in a Type III EPD.
- Understand the application of EPDs to specific rating system criteria for LEED® v4.1 BD+C & ID+C, Green Globes®, and IgCC®.
- Understand utilization of databases and resources to access Type III EPDs.
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